Winter Update
Who isn’t busy
As most people know, this time of year is a busy season. From Thanksgiving & Thanksgiving break for those in college not to mention to closing up of the fall semester. For me it has been fairly busy due to a variety of reasons. The biggest one is just trying to keep my mind working and keeping it geared towards my classes. Especially right now, I got a week long break off of university for th holiday and its hard to get back into it for these final two weeks before the semester ends. Plus being a gamer at heart I have been investing some more time into the hobby. Without our hobbies life can be monotonous and I wanted to take a bit of time to give myself a break from learning.
I also decided to re-work my home-lab as it is kind of a mess and plus I can’t really do exactly what I want to do because I am still staying with family as I finish up university. Lastly, my group has finished up our paperwork part of our senior capstone. I will be publishing the document to the projects page soon. Sadly, its not as perfect as I want it to be, but we are only human. I will keep trying to update this blog as much as possible as I get into more personal projects.
One final final update. A friend has recently moved so I may be given the opportunity to build his home network from the ground up, so it will be a fun thing to hone my skills and give them a really fast network. Have a happy holidays and a great winter break!