Hello Internet
Welcome to my personal blog and portfolio! I’m a passionate student and home-lab enthusiast, sharing my journey through projects, insights, and hands-on experiences in the world of technology. Explore my thoughts, challenges, and successes as I navigate the world of information technology and self-hosting.
- Astro :
Build fast websites, faster.
- Astro Assets :
Built-in optimized asset support.
- Astro Theme Codey :
A minimalist blog theme built with Astro.
- Tailwind CSS :
Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.
- Markdown :
Simple and easy-to-use markup language.
- MDX :
Markdown for the component era.
- Astro Icon :
An easy to use Icon component for Astro.
- Cloudflare :
Cloudflare is one of the world’s largest networks.
- Github Pages :
Hosted directly from your GitHub repository. Just edit, push, and your changes are live.